JLPT N5(Reading)

The Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N5 is the most basic level of the...

JLPT N4(Reading)

The Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N4 is the second level of the JLPT...

JLPT N3(Reading)

The JLPT N3 reading exam assesses your ability to understand and interpret more...

JLPT N2(Reading)

The JLPT N2 reading exam is a significant step up from the N3 level and is desig...

JLPT N1(Reading)

The JLPT N1 is the highest level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT...

JLPT N5(Vocabulary/Grammar)

Prepare for the JLPT N5 exam with our comprehensive guide covering essential voc...

JLPT N4(Vocabulary/Grammar)

Essential Study Resource Description: Elevate your Japanese language skills with...

JLPT N3(Vocabulary/Grammar)

JLPT N3 with Our Vocabulary & Grammar Guide Description: Enhance your Japanese...

JLPT N2(Vocabulary/Grammar)

Elevate your Japanese language proficiency with our detailed JLPT N2 vocabulary...

Frequently Asked Question

How to register?

Click the right-corner register button. fill out your form. get you otp on your email .fill OTP then you register successfully.

How to attend the exam?

after login. click the exam section. you get all the Japanese exams then click attend the exam.

How will I get my result?

After Login.click MCQ history exam/written exam history click.then click view button .you get result.

How may subjects are there?

click a subject tab. then you get the subject list.

How I will get the support?

After login .you get a support ticket .click on the support ticket button. please fill your complete. we will solve within 24 hrs.