
N5 JLPT 7/2018

  • Subject : JLPT N5(Vocabulary/Grammar)
  • Type : MCQ
  • Total Mark : 60
  • Pass Mark Percentage: 50%
  • Exam Fee : Free
  • Category : Vocabulary/Grammar
  • Total Question : 56
  • Pass Mark : 30
  • Total Time : 50 Minutes


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It appears you've provided a reference to the N5 level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) administered in July 2018. The N5 level is the most basic level of the JLPT, indicating the ability to understand and use some basic Japanese expressions and phrases.

To prepare for the N5 JLPT exam, consider focusing on the following areas:

1. **Vocabulary:** Study common words and phrases used in everyday situations such as greetings, numbers, colors, family members, and daily activities.

2. **Grammar:** Learn basic grammar structures and sentence patterns including verb conjugation, particles, basic sentence formation, and common expressions.

3. **Reading Comprehension:** Practice reading simple passages and understanding the main idea, as well as identifying specific information such as dates, times, and locations.

4. **Listening Comprehension:** Practice listening to short conversations and understanding basic spoken Japanese, including greetings, introductions, and simple instructions.

5. **Kanji:** Learn to recognize and write basic kanji characters commonly used in everyday situations. Focus on common radicals and stroke order.

6. **Practice Tests:** Take practice tests to familiarize yourself with the format of the exam and assess your progress. This will help you become more comfortable with the types of questions asked and improve your time management skills.

7. **Review and Reinforcement:** Regularly review and reinforce your knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, and kanji through flashcards, quizzes, and other study aids.

It's also helpful to immerse yourself in Japanese language and culture as much as possible by watching Japanese movies and TV shows, listening to Japanese music and podcasts, and practicing speaking with native speakers if available.

By focusing on these areas and dedicating consistent time and effort to your studies, you can increase your chances of success on the N5 JLPT exam. Good luck with your preparations!

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